The article deals with the comprehension of colour idioms in English and Azerbaijani in thelinguacultural world. Above all, the paper covers the definition of idioms and various approaches byprominent English and Azerbaijani linguists; presents classification of idioms namely, semantically andstructurally. Furthermore, syntactical study of constituents comprising colour idioms is being consideredin the compared languages.This article also discusses the implicit nature of colour idioms in English and Azerbaijani. As the title ofthe paper suggests, the term “implicit meaning” – the meaning that may not be obvious for the speakers offoreign languages - is also being considered in the article. The research work mainly analyses commoncolour idioms found in the English and Azerbaijani languages. The collected data are being studied on twoaspects: analysis of colour idioms that coincides structurally and semantically both in English andAzerbaijani, as well as analysis of colour idioms that do not have semantic or structural equivalents in thecompared languages.